Tips to Create a Buzz for Your New Products/Services

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Unless you are a huge brand like Microsoft or Apple, creating international buzz may not be possible. But creation of online buzz around your latest products/services should one of the objectives of your company internet marketing strategy. Here are some tips on how you can go about it.


Write a useful blog post


Avoid writing a sales pitch. What you need is a useful article, inspired by your new product, with the potential of being discussed, linked to and retweeted. For instance, if your latest product is organic apples, a blog on ‘Five Yummy and Healthy Apple Desserts’ will be well appreciated.


Take help of other blogs


Guest blogging is an effective method to create online buzz. Once again, don’t pitch, instead write a useful article. If you are confident of your product, you can also invite reviews from influential bloggers. In case your product is not too expensive, giving out free samples might be a good ides.


Tweet a great offer


Twitter can be a great platform to increase your online mention. All you need is a great offer. For instance, if you sell boxes of organic apples, an offer in which the people who spread the word with retweets get a discount, and the tweet recipients receive a free first box of apples has a very good chance of success. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Only requirement is that the offer has to be good enough.


Create a Facebook page


Creating a Facebook page and using paid advertising to encourage people to ‘like’ your product is an effective way to get in touch with potential customers. You can offer attractive deals to people who ‘like’ your product and increase your conversions.